A Cry For Help

For whatever reason, the other night I found myself in the middle of writing a longish, frank, open-ended conversation or “post” on Facebook. This was not something I planned or edited but after an initial burst of energy I discovered I was three paragraphs deep into what my friends would only really consider a rant. I read what I had written, and realized I had more to say, that my feelings were important for me to share, but that they also demanded something extra; an introduction, an explanation, and hopefully, an epilogue (although that part will be written by us all). This is my best attempt to that end, I don’t expect to hit the mark and I don’t expect everyone to read, comment on, or even acknowledge some what I have to say. I understand that the subjects I’m talking about are controversial, but I hope it is clear that I do not mean to impose, to blame or to implicate with any of my words, and that hope is best reflected in my effort to frame the essay with this title.

We’re all in this together, our civilization has grown for hundreds years to create our present situation, our complacence does not equate with guilt, indeed it’s just the opposite, as our current understanding of the principals and habits of this broken system allow us an advanced perspective to it’s biggest problems and best possible solutions. Dream Big, Demand the Impossible.

Below is the introduction I included on Facebook, I included it here mostly for myself, to have a record and for whatever reason the words seemed worth saving…

Believe it or not I’m not much for Facebook Rants. I don’t often read other’s and I usually cringe when reading something I posted in a fiery rage. But for whatever reason the other night I found myself in the middle of a multiple paragraph “post” I knew most of my friends would most likely regard as a rant.

And, well, it is, but I think it’s also something more. I took a step back and realized that just thrusting this on you wasn’t fair, or reasonable, so I took a moment, I read it over few times and worked on a couple parts. I’m still a little embarrassed at some of my original language and I don’t think I can ever say everything I’d like to without opening the discussion, but I think it gets the point across, and still manages reflect some of the in-the-moment jest that an only come from that type of commentary.

My motivation in writing this is multi-source; partially my interest in being part of the conversation of recent current events,  and partially from an enduring frustration with the world we perpetuate.  But I really have to tip my hat to my friend Eron, who’s simple question of whether or not folks my age were talking about these issues is really what fueled my words.  This is something that’s important to me, and I wish we were talking about differently.  I kind of surprised myself for doing this, but I ended up writing a bit more of an introduction and explanation to the post and framed it with a title on my website, it’s there if you’d like to check it out.   As a side note, I thought about tagging each and every one of my friends so they might have an interest in reading but decided against it. So if you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading and I hope you’ll share your thoughts.


I could not be happier for all of those affected by the Supreme Court’s decisions this week. Whether you are benefiting from recent affordable medical coverage or the resolution of entrenched discrimination it’s about time you experienced these basic human rights. But really I’m happiest because this means now we’ve got a bunch of folks with time on their hands to help Save The Planet! That’s right, just after fixing Healthcare, Education, and the Economy, realizing We’re All Equal, and Finally Confronting our Entrenched Systems of Racism and Classism, we’ve got to Save the Planet. It may be a little ways down on the list but now we’ve got a whole bunch of extra help from the Newlyweds and some Old Folks on Dialysis Machines, let’s get to work!

But seriously, I am appreciative of the need for us to address basic human rights and dignities before we expect to tackle even bigger issues like the purpose and direction of our current society. But if we fail to act now and we don’t recognize and take action on the issue of fossil fuel dependency and climate change, we’re risking a lot more than future generation’s ability to marry freely or get cheap MRI’s, we’re threatening food security, biodiversity, and the overall health and viability of Our Planet Earth. I don’t know what to do, but we need to figure it out, it’s bigger than you or I and will require we act accordingly and work together. I’ve tried to make real changes in my lifestyle, but I realize they amount to little more than token displays, and while I may believe in such displays I understand the need for very real, actual, urgent changes in our habits regarding the Production and Consumption of Energy – in short – very big changes in our lifestyle.

Honestly, I’m not sure we can do it. The Addiction is real and continues every day, every minute, every moment. It is written into our every act and understanding, and figuring out how and where to draw the line is a confusing act of soothsaying. But there are some things that are clear to me, some things that just make sense and feel right, and they are that there’s importance in speaking our minds, in fighting for causes we believe to support the benefit of civil rights, equality, and justice, that we should understand and appreciate personal accountability, responsibility, and the importance of labor and sacrifice, but most importantly we should honor this miracle of life that we are part of, that we should respect and enrich the biodiversity and health of all life. I have never had to hide a part of myself for fear of persecution, and for that I am grateful. I am young and healthy, and only recently just realizing I may not be invincible. But one thing is certain and that is since a very young age I have been perennially confused with the way humans inhabit Our Earth and the lengths we go to justify it’s violation.

I am writing to celebrate our steps towards coming together, and to use them to shine a light on those injustices that continue on today. May we continue forward on this path or resolution and acceptance, and find the courage we need to confront the largest and most challenging issues at hand. At it’s core our success, satisfaction, and mere survival rests on our ability to overcome our egos. Are we willing to kill Our Planet chasing someone else’s dream, or do we have what it takes to stand with our friends and say no to Capitalism, no to the Privatization of Precious Resources, no to Government that serves the interests of Corporations and the Energy Industry? I guess my question is this: what is it going to take? What is it going to take to turn the tide, what’s it going to take to actually make a change, to take action, to finally say no more?

Time will tell. It will take a movement to be sure. Although my gut tells me no court can make the decision for us, perhaps my impatience is too acute. After all, I can already Feel the Bern. Either way I hope you’ll help. I hope you’ll do whatever you can to make a difference, to do your part. I hope you make a sacrifice, and realize how empowering that can be. After all, it’s going to take the whole of us.

Oh and don’t forget to have fun. Fun is most important.

Cheers Friends,


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