
Winter is here.  Although the millions of people just a dozen miles away might disagree as they play golf, go for a climb, or walk in the park with 60 degree temps, up here in Alta, there’s snow everywhere, icicles are forming, and I’m skiing every day.  Sure feels like winter.  In reality the shift is much more of a mental one in which I’d rather go for a ski tour, or find a half frozen runnel of water to climb then catch a ride to the valley to try and climb a few pitches in the sun or play a round of disc golf.  I guess my point is, it’s winter in the mountains, and that’s where I live.  But my intentions aren’t just to give you some sort of over generalized weather forecast but to give you all who’ve been following along a heads up on what this change of seasons, and change of locations means for the Nature of Motion, and what you might expect to find here in the coming months. Continue reading “Progression”

The Vote.

Election time creates an atmosphere of intense social interaction.  Everyone seems to awaken to the fact that they have a voice, a choice, and an opinion.  The concept that we are able, in part, to choose the direction and character of our future translates to many of us becoming emboldened to share the opinions and ideas that we would otherwise keep silent.  And not only do we share them, but we often insist upon them, creating division and intolerance towards anyone with an opposite view.  Most of this “sharing” or “discussion” is happening on an impersonal basis.  While we still seem to be obeying the old laws of not discussing politics or religion in public, we have realized that the media, meaning all forms of media, from the press to social media, are more of a mouthpiece for opinions then they are a forum for open and understanding discussion.  While this has become commonplace in news media through the skewing of facts and opinions to support a one-sided view, it has also taken hold in social media outlets like Facebook.  I’m sure most of you who are reading this are familiar with the phenomenon I’m talking about, and probably many of you have taken part in it as well.  The silent shouting and badgering, sarcastic mockery and outright hate for not only an individual, but also the entire demographic he stands for.  And yes, the incessant and unrelenting instruction that you VOTE!

Continue reading “The Vote.”

Endurance, Recovery, and the Miracle of The Bike

This is a topic I’d been wanting to write about previously, but have only now found the motivation after my recent and unplanned decision to run a marathon.  Now, with my legs as tight as a drum, and my general mobility restricted to the house, I’ve found the motivation to put together some words on the subject. Continue reading “Endurance, Recovery, and the Miracle of The Bike”

Mountains, Mobility, and The Nature of Motion

Who remembers their first time riding a bike?  Although most of my childhood memories exist as snapshots and short films in my mind, I can pretty well recall my first experiences of two wheeled ecstasy.  While my trike and training wheel days might be lost in the haze, that first time I managed to balance and pedal my way across the front lawn has stuck with me to this day.  The sheer delight of those few moments being pushed between my mother and father, and eventually learning to roam around under my own body’s power are powerful memories that I’ll be hard pressed to forget.

Continue reading “Mountains, Mobility, and The Nature of Motion”

Mountains Calling

Shadows pass underneath me, move into the distance, and dissolve into darkness.  As I glide along, the street lamps pass above me, replaying this motion over and over.  Riding my bike home from a late night trip to water the garden, this dance played out around me.  I was overcome with appreciation for this simple scene, the part I played, their interconnection, and the consciousness that made it all possible.  These are the moments when the world seems to fall away, all worries, hopes and cares, all thoughts turn into a cloud that is blown away by the breeze of pure awareness.

Continue reading “Mountains Calling”